4 research outputs found

    Proof of the Kresch-Tamvakis Conjecture

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    In this paper we resolve a conjecture of Kresch and Tamvakis. Our result is the following. Theorem: For any positive integer DD and any integers i,ji,j (0≤i,j≤D)(0\leq i,j \leq D), the absolute value of the following hypergeometric series is at most 1: \begin{equation*} {_4F_3} \left[ \begin{array}{c} -i, \; i+1, \; -j, \; j+1 \\ 1, \; D+2, \; -D \end{array} ; 1 \right]. \end{equation*} To prove this theorem, we use the Biedenharn-Elliott identity, the theory of Leonard pairs, and the Perron-Frobenius theorem

    The girth, odd girth, distance function, and diameter of generalized Johnson graphs

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    For any non-negative integers v>k>iv > k > i, the {\em generalized Johnson graph}, J(v,k,i)J(v,k,i), is the undirected simple graph whose vertices are the kk-subsets of a vv-set, and where any two vertices AA and BB are adjacent whenever ∣A∩B∣=i|A \cap B| =i. In this article, we derive formulas for the girth, odd girth, distance function, and diameter of J(v,k,i)J(v,k,i)

    On the Girth and Diameter of Generalized Johnson Graphs

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    Let v \u3e k \u3e i be non-negative integers. The generalized Johnson graph, J(v,k,i), is the graph whose vertices are the k-subsets of a v-set, where vertices A and B are adjacent whenever |A∩B|= i. In this article, we derive general formulas for the girth and diameter of J(v,k,i). Additionally, we provide a formula for the distance between any two vertices A and B in terms of the cardinality of their intersection